Let’s be friends.
I am not typically known for being calm. I am actually a tightly wound bundle of ideas, emotions, and anxiety. I’ve learned over the past few years that I am not the only one. Doses of Calm was developed to act as a creative outlet apart from my 9-5 job and also as a vehicle to access a sense of calmness throughout the busyness of everyday life. I believe that if we stop for a few moments each day to reflect and connect, then we will be able to slow down and harness the potential to start on a path towards growth. I welcome you to join me in these daily rituals so that we can wander down the path together or simply smile at each other if there comes a time when our paths intersect.

When did you start @dosesofcalm?
On Thanksgiving of 2017! I had recently graduated from college and was looking for something creative to do outside of my job. I had always loved cozy flatlays, so I started by creating my own and posting them to Instagram.
Are you a full-time influencer?
No, not at the moment! I currently work from home as a social media coordinator for a large retail brand headquartered in the United Kingdom.
What camera do you use for your photos?
I use an iPhone X for the most part, but typically switch to my Canon EOS 6D Mark II when taking professional photos for brands and businesses. Portrait mode on my iPhone is my favorite.
What is your favorite book genre?
I have to be honest here. I love Chick-lit. Basically any type of story that’s a rom com in novel form. I read many other genres too but that’s my go-to.
Where are you from and where do you currently reside?
I was born and raised in the little state of Rhode Island and moved to Ithaca, New York for college. After four years of college I moved to the Boston area for three years and recently moved back to Rhode Island which is where I currently live with my husband.
Coffee or tea?
All of the above. I’m a beverage gal.